Living Your Passion

Tim Hayden on Getting Uncomfortable



I have known today's guest, Tim Hayden (or THE Tim Hayden, #45) for years. And I love the dude. We speak the same language on many many MANY life issues. Tim is my go-to guy when it comes to finding the best restaurant in any city. Literally any city. From my recollection, he is 7/7 on recommending kick ass restaurants. Tim and I first met - first had a beer, that is - in Chicago several years ago. The rest, as they say, is history. Tim's passion: Getting uncomfortable. In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to learn more about Tim's passion for getting uncomfortable? During this episode ... Tim shared that "beer seals the deal" when it comes to relationships. I could not agree more, considering I met my wife at a bar. Ha! I asked Tim what his passion was, and he ... well ... got into it. We boiled his passion down to "getting uncomfortable." We were joined by my son, Cal. #HomeSick. Like his dad, he likes to he