Emile In The Morning At Night

EITMAN Ep.014: I Was Sick This Week



It's just me this episode everyone. Was really sick this whole week and I wasn't able to edit this week's episode of the podcast. I talk a bunch about the games I played recently and I also talk about the recent BlizzCon that just happened. Talked about Hearthstone, Heroes, Warcraft, Overwatch, and all manner of hype. Interviews will resume next week! Might try out some more of these audio blog type things, see if it's something I enjoy doing. Hahaha, might even do better when I'm not recovering from sickness you know? Hahaha. ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ -----------