Soma Spokane Sermons

03 | Steward of God's Resources



In just 2 weeks we’ll be asking everyone in the Soma family to make a 2-year financial commitment to our Planted initiative and the vision of being a long-term disciple-making presence in our region and beyond. Our hope is that these 2 years will grow us into a more joyful, free, and generous people all across the board. In this section, Paul urges the Corinthians toward bountiful, cheerful, abundant giving by reminding them how the economy of God’s Kingdom works. All we have has been given by God, and he gives abundantly to us so we can give abundantly to his purposes. Our resources belong to him, and when we’re not generous we’re not just greedy but also thieves, taking what was entrusted to us for ourselves! Paul reminds us that God promises to enrich us in every way so we can be generous in every way. God will multiply our seed for sowing, entrusting us with greater resources to steward, as we learn to step courageously into joyful generosity.