O'reilly Radar Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Designing better security outcomes for human beings



The O'Reilly Radar Podcast: Eleanor Saitta on security countermeasures at the human level, the relationship between security and design, and understanding security design as a separate discipline.This week's episode features a special cross-over conversation from the O'Reilly Security Podcast, which you can find on Stitcher, iTunes, SoundCloud, or RSS. O'Reilly's Courtney Nash chats with Eleanor Saitta, a security architect at Etsy. They talk about the importance of thinking of security in a human context and the increasingly critical relationship between security and design.Here are a few highlights: Detecting fraudulant patterns at the human level Look at banking fraud and fraud detection systems. Although financial malware is a real issue, and we are seeing more and more people who end up with malware running on their phones that then attacks bank authenticators or logs into their account and makes transfers. These are starting to be very real issues, let alone credit card numbers and all t