O'reilly Radar Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Alyona Medelyan on applications of NLU



The O'Reilly Radar Podcast: Natural language understanding and natural language processing applications, our future with chatbots, and open source indexing.This week, I talk with Alyona Medelyan, co-founder and CEO at Thematic and founder and CEO at Entopix. We talk about natural language understanding, the challenges of analyzing unstructured text, and her open source indexing tool Maui that she's been working on for the past 10 years.Here are some highlights: Use cases of Natural Language Understanding Natural Language Understanding is really a sub area of Natural Language Processing (NLP). In general, NLP deals with using computers to understand human language, but not all NLP tasks require actual understanding. For example, if we take part of speech tagging, when an algorithm decides whether a word is a noun or an adjective or a verb, in order for the the algorithm to perform this accurately, we don't really need to know what the words mean. You can achieve quite a lot by simply coun