O'reilly Radar Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Cory Doctorow on nascent pro-security industries



In this O’Reilly Radar Podcast: The impact of minimal IoT product security and the case for new pro-security business models.This week's Radar Podcast episode is a special cross-over edition from the O'Reilly Security Podcast, which you can find on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, or SoundCloud. O'Reilly strategic content director Courtney Nash chats with Cory Doctorow, a journalist, activist and science fiction writer. They talk about nascent pro-security industries, the EFF's lawsuit against the U.S. government, and the new W3C DRM specification.Here are some highlights: Auditing IoT products is a liability for security researchers Think about the conditions under which IoT companies operate. Their business plan—the thing they show to VCs to get the money to go into the business—is to monetize data. They're all designed with security as an afterthought. They're all designed with the minimum viable security to make this product not immediately burst into flames after you put it inside your body or put your b