O'reilly Radar Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Haakon Faste on designing for a "post-human" world



The O'Reilly Radar Podcast: perceptual robotics, post-evolutionary humans, and designing our future with intent.In this Radar Podcast episode, I chat with Haakon Faste, a design educator and innovation consultant. We talk about his interesting career path, including his perceptual robotics work, his teaching approaches, and his mission with the Ralf A. Faste Foundation. We also talk about navigating our way to a "post-human" world and the importance of designing to make the world a more human-centered place.Here are a few highlights: Multimodal interface systems What these robotics systems allow you to do, which is really exciting, is you can take someone who's an expert at a certain scale, maybe they're an athlete, and you can put them into a robotic system and ask them to perform their craft, if you will. You can imagine taking an expert, someone like Tiger Woods who's a fantastic golfer, having him climb into a robot suit and show his perfect golf swing, record it, and then have novices cli