Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #14 - Architecture vs. Design



Ah the mysteries of architecture. I can remember back to my days in college at Cornell. We had a great architecture school, but those folks seemed like magicians. They weren't around too much and it seemed like they were doing cool things, we engineers just didn't understand what it was. Understanding how to build your security architecture isn't all that different. So this week, I delve into the nuances of architecture vs. design and also provide a brief description of the "Pragmatic Security Architecture," (click on the link to see the picture) which is my attempt to break the world into some domains that make sense.The picture to the right is of the Cornell Architecture school, where they have a Dragon Day tradition that involves building a giant dragon and then marching over to the Engineering Quad and setting it on fire on the Arts Quad (I think). I guess there is rivalry between the two schools, but I was too busy funneling beers to notice.Running time: 6:53Intro music is Jungle and sign off with Sarah