Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #20 - The Sales Pitch



July 30, 2008 - This week we talk about the sales pitch. This is the part that most security practitioners hate. Actually having to get in front of folks and ask for money. Although if you've followed the process up to now, then you should be in great shape to put together a compelling story and to deliver that message to the senior team.In this week's episode (can you believe it's #20 already?), I go into detail about how to structure the sales pitch and what you should discuss and why. We are reminded about what the goals are and also the importance of practice - especially if you are an inexperienced public speaker.Running time: 6:52Intro music is Jungle and since we are talking about making a "pitch" and it's the middle of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway) I broke out John Fogerty's classic baseball anthem, "Centerfield." Enjoy!Photo Credit: XPLANEPS: My apologies for some spotty audio quality this week. You can hear everything, but I tried out a new headset and it didn't work out too well. Back