Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #21 - Grass Roots Funding



It's time to wrap up Step 5: Selling the Story. We finish the discussion by talking about how to get funding, when the budget monkeys have told you no. Basically we have to take a "grass roots funding" approach to go to the business leaders directly, make the case, and get the funding we need. It's kind of like selling cookies door to door. We have to be persistent and make the case as to why it would be a good purchase.This requires us to broaden our skills and likely move out of our comfort zone quite a bit. It's uncomfortable, but it's a good thing. Just remember to focus on the "customer" issues, and that the Reasons to Secure. The business leaders will respond to that. Ultimately you may not get the funding you need, but you won't go down like a whimpering puppy. You'll go down swinging, trying to do the right thing.Running time: 6:29Intro music is Jungle and I finish it up with Dire Straits "Money for Nothing," because that is an appropriate metaphor. There is no money for nothing. We have to work for i