Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #22 - Homework for Buying Security Products



As we jump into Step 6: Buying Security Products, it makes sense to understand what kind of homework we are going to have to do prepare for the process. Remember, it's easy to buy something, it's hard to buy the right thing at the right time for the right price.So this week we discuss the first 4 steps of the Buying Security Products process I published back in 2006. The first step is to understand the business drivers for your project, then you assemble the team, then you educate YOURSELF on the market (don't let the vendors educate you), and only then are you ready to engage with a long list of vendors that can potentially meet the need.If you want to check out the Buying Security Products ebook, you can sign up for the Daily Incite email newsletter. If you read TDI via a blog feed, just send me an email and I'll forward the guide over to you.