The Tory: Perspectives And Poems: Dr Pratt Datta

Milton‘s Musing Old Possum‘s Book of Practical Cats by Eliot Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer



MUNGOJERRIE AND RUMPELTEAZER Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were a very notorious             couple of cats. As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians, tight-rope             walkers and acrobats They had an extensive reputation. They made their home in             Victoria Grove— That was merely their centre of operation, for they were             incurably given to rove. They were very well known in Cornwall Gardens, in Launceston             Place and in Kensington Square— They had really a little more reputation than a couple of cats             can very well bear.         If the area window was found ajar         And the basement looked like a field of war,         If a tile or two came loose on the roof,         Which presently ceased to be waterproof,         If the drawers were pulled out from the bedroom chests,         And you couldn't find one of your winter vests,         Or after supper one of the girls         Suddenly missed her Woolworth pearls: Then the family would say: 'It's that horribl