Masters Of Finance's Podcast - With Chris And Alex

Episode 43 - How to make your money last forever



Are you worried that you will run out of money when you stop work? In this episode of the #mastersoffinancepodcast we delve into how to make your portfolio last longer and ride out any periods of negative returns. We explore the idea that the sequence of the returns experienced by your portfolio has a huge impact on how long your money will last and what has been considered as the safe amount you can withdraw to try and avoid running out of money. We have also spent many years researching and creating a strategy to limit the impacts of the risks with negative returns in the early years of retirement which we discuss along with a real world example of how this worked through the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. Have a listen. To look at the example data we used for our comparison of portfolio A & B when comparing the impacts of sequence of returns, head over to where Ryan Swarts of Creative Planning has a great blog post on the subject along with the exa