Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

CHERYL MEYER Talks About removing all toxic areas of her life even relationships is an inspiring learning story - Mature Preneurs Talk



At 62 Cheryl Meyer is inspiring - her story of persistence and achievement from waking up one morning not being able to get out of bed because of extreme pain, then on to a total health turnaround is definitely worth learning how she did that.   Cheryl discusses her experience with toxins, stress and other things like sugar to how today she is assisting other over 50’s suffering with chronic pain. With an inquisitive mind Cheryl began her get-well journey where she found a functional Doctor, and learned about “leaky gut” caused by toxins, stress, and other things, like sugar.   Digging deep into the EWG (Environmental Working Group) database, she identified the toxins in her life, then, experimented until finding much less toxic replacement items. This discovery and working with her Functional Doctor her healing began.  Not content with that, Cheryl went back to school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, became a health coach, and now teaches others how to clean up to improve their health and the qual