Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

ROBERT DICKISON Shows It’s Hard to Beat a Person Who Never Gives Up - Mature Preneurs Talk



Robert Dickison says running had been an integral part of his adult life and now at 74 it certainly hasn’t stopped him even if it's a run of 100 miles. From working at a mine way out in the desert of northern Australia to returning to the Gold Coast, then getting on a plane bound for New Zealand to run 100 miles, then returning the same way he came, none of that phased him - stopped him. Earlier on in New Zealand, Robert owned running shops, which was the centre of his universe, so when he and his partner moved to Australia his passion for running has continued. So what’s his secret to achieving such a physical goal despite the odds?  It’s mental. It’s your thinking yet many people reaching 50 allow a switch to be turned on that says life is downhill from now on. However for Robert it’s the total opposite. He loves to help others to keep going, keeping at it at your level, but all the while congratulating yourself for doing that. As each day passes doing just a little more within a few weeks, your brain is fi