Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

AVILONE BAILEY How Do You Learn To Tune Into Your Inner Guidance & How Stored Energy Affects Each Person - Mature Preneurs Talk



At the age of six Avilone looked up at her Mother gathering strength to ask her what were the fluffy clouds around trees and bushes. From a young child, this young inquiring girl began to understand what she was often seeing, that others didn't and that wasn't easy being and feeling different from other young girls.  Over the years she developed a deeply personal relationship, with her Inner Guidance that directed her toward the special and unique journey that unfolded. Avilone’s strong calling to help others culminated in becoming a nurse, fulfilling that desire in a conventional way, while earning a Master's Degree along the way. Knowing there was more to healing than within a traditional pathway it was time to become intimately involved with energy healing.  Through the many experiences along her metaphysical journey, Avilone became adept at perceiving energy using her unique gifts to help people. During this podcast Avilone answers this and other questions ‘just how do you learn to tune into your inner gu