Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DWAYNE ROWLAND How Creative Opportunities Can Occur in Life Yet Few People Take Them Up - Unexpected Opportunities That Can Change Your Life If You Grasp Them - Mature Preneurs Talk



Dwayne Rowland says it’s intriguing how creative opportunities can occur in life yet few people take them up - unexpected opportunities, which can change your life if you grasp them. It all began with a casual conversation, between the CEO of a very well known international airline and Dwayne, a builder in Australia. Having no idea how to dispose of good but now unused uniforms, many corporations are in the same position as the airline CEO. Textiles are a major environmental problem. Dwayne’s fertile mind went into gear and soon he was talking with many different people and organisations about an idea he had and one key goal emerged, he had a vision where he wanted to create an infinite loop joining social and environmental issues, where the environment and everyone involved benefitted. Realising he needed a workforce to turn his idea into reality, this creative chap turned to groups who helped domestic violence victims, prisoners, and long term unemployed - all became involved, they were paid, and began feel