Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

SHANTA GABRIEL Unexpectedly Discovered Then Journeyed With The Archangels and Their Teachings - Then Catastrophe ... or Was It? - Mature Preneurs Talk



It’s not uncommon in midlife for some to feel discouraged with life, work and marriage. It’s why many people choose to begin praying to be shown their purpose, work and what they came here to do. That was how Shanta Gabriel’s midlife unfolded. Living in Honolulu while giving a massage, a surprising event happened. At the end of her table, was a manifestation of Golden Light, a vision of a massive angel with wings that went out of the ceiling. The Angel whispered in Shanta’s inner ear and told her he was Archangel Michael. Having no interest let alone background in angels, Shanta was alarmed she would be considered crazy, so she ignored him. That didn’t help. Visits continued until 1990 when again a huge angel manifested in her living room with wings that went out the ceiling, and he said he was Archangel Gabriel, and had work for Shanta to do. Messages continued daily and while she kept trying to ignore the visits, slowly she turned around, then created an inspirational card set and book and by the time she w