Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

LUCINDA BAKKEN WHITE Says Her Successful External Presentation Belied How She Felt On The Inside & Via Chronic Depression & Worse Shedding The False Personas She Claimed Her Authentic Calling - Mature Preneurs Talk



For much of her life, Lucinda Bakken White immersed herself into the modern mainstream culture to achieve the American Dream. Her professional career with an MBA and a coveted position at IBM, by all external measures she was successful but her presentation belied how she felt on the inside. Years flew by and she became exhausted and depleted and although she persisted, Lucinda privately experienced chronic depression and thoughts of suicide. Determined to slay her loneliness and understand the deeper meaning of life, she committed herself to a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal transformation, which she did find. Adopting a simple powerful solution she began spending quality time in nature and still does, and suggests everyone does. With all your senses open doing so helps you to connect with your inner self so you can receive guidance. Sounds simple? It works! Just allow. Working also with world-renowned experts, Lucinda identified and shed the false personas she developed in order to “fit in,”