Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

MICHELLE BEBER Says After Death Communications Are Real & Suggests Opening Your Heart & Mind To ADC Will Prove That Your Loved Ones Are Always With You



Michelle Beber’s own personal experience with After Death Communications was foreign to her. Nearing 50, an emotional breakdown put her on a path of spiritual awakening starting with her life-changing after-death communication or ADC from her mom. ADC is a direct and spontaneous communication from a deceased loved one, importantly without the use of a medium.  Researching signs from deceased loved ones Michelle discovered the book, Hello From Heaven, which helped her to understand how we remain connected to those who have died. As Michelle discovered there are different forms of communication, which can appear in different ways, explaining this during the podcast. ADC is not strange it is a real experience. By now with her experiences and research, Michelle went on to write her first manuscript entitled My Mommy Is a Butterfly, a picture book to help children cope with grief. But the universe blocked her path to publishing it for several years and for reasons unknown to her. During those years, she developed