Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

ANDREA HALL Talks with Mature Preneurs Host Diana Todd-Banks About How Horses Are Natural Healers & When Combined With The Skills of an Equine Gestalt Coach The Benefits Are Immense - The Future is Wide Open in this Brilliant Field



As a high-powered criminal defence attorney specializing in sex offenses and domestic violence she says her years in the profession aged her especially as not many women are involved in the field. After discovering a brain tumour, she decided to get off the hamster wheel and leave the criminal justice system so she pondered what could she do. The catch cry of so many people in midlife when they decide a new direction is needed.  Wisdom kicked in and she looked at her passions and there was one that stood out – she always loved and was attracted to horses.  She had done numerous years of personal coaching with Personal Success Institute prior to getting certified as an Equine Gestalt Coach, which is why Andrea founded her business Withers Whisper, LLC in 2017. Gestalt means “wholeness”. Starting her new business has been a little bit more of a challenge than starting her law practice.  In the law business people need you they want to stay out of jail.  Her new business is considered a luxury option not a neces