Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

BRIAN WILSON Says By ‘Stepping Out of Your Mind,’ Keeping Connected to Other People & Be Sure to Have Close Friends to Connect & Converse With Will Keep You Young, Alive & Mentally Alert” – That’s the Quest For The New Age



Professor Brian Wilson says John E. Fetzer was a fascinating man who kept himself mentally alert and young by constantly exploring anything new and is why Brian wrote about him in the book ‘Quest for the New Age’. But that’s not the only reason. As professor of American religious history in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Brian explored John Fetzer’s as he had two extremely contrasting sides to his life. A media mogul and the owner of the Detroit Tigers baseball team for almost thirty years beginning in 1956, when he died John Fetzer was one of the wealthiest people in the US. But the other side Professor Wilson says, is the most interesting aspect one that was not well known – John’s life-long spiritual search that led him from traditional forms of Christianity to an exploration of a variety of metaphysical religions culminating in the New Age a term that was just beginning to emerge. The result of Brian’s search was Fetzer ultimately used his wea