Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DR JOHN MCGRAIL, Suggests When Life Sends You An Unexpected ‘Curve Ball’ It’s Time For Considerable Personal Reflection And Introspection About ‘What’s Next In Life,’ Whatever That Is, Life is Supposed to be Fun!



Dr John McGrail the renowned clinical hypnotherapist, success coach, spirituality teacher, is the founder and president of A Better You, Inc. and a leading media expert on the topic of personal improvement. His book, The Synthesis Effect, (Career Press) shares and teaches his unique Synthesis techniques for creating personal change and transformation, quickly and profoundly, which result in him receiving rave reviews and media coverage. As with so many over 50’s who started their work life in totally different fields, John began his career seeking adventure in professional aviation, first for the U.S. Coast Guard, then with a major airline. After13 years flying, he left to start Creative Media Services in Boston, specializing in the development and production of training and motivational programs for major corporate clients, which led to many new opportunities including on-camera and voiceover work. After several years, he followed his muse to Los Angeles to pursue acting and screenwriting continuing his crea