Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

ROSIE CHRISTOPHERSON Felt Sure It Was Possible to Combine a Small Business With Caring For Your Employees As Family, After Seeing So Many Companies Putting Profits Before People - Mature Preneurs Talk



Rosie Christopherson finally realized she had a quiet goal. The sad indictment she discovered while working for many years in human resources in Melbourne, established that quiet goal. Constantly seeing more and more greedy companies not putting people before profits, she was sure there had to be a better kinder way to conduct business. If she was to actually achieve that, it would mean living in a much less consumeristic way for her partner and herself plus making other life changes.  Listen to this podcast to learn what Rosie and her partner did. They made a bold move while staying open to different opportunities that they hoped the universe would provide, and it did!  Because Rosie had tarot in her life since a young woman this allowed them to spend part of their year in India where Rosie studied reiki and reflexology at a deep level. Unexpectedly the universe opened up again allowing them to turn into reality that quiet goal Rosie had way back in her human resource days. They did that after many struggles