Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

KELLY WILLIAMS Says Mid-life has become the most exciting time in her life so far, despite her radical shift from a cushy, easy existence to the hardworking world of a rancher, even to building a barbed wire fence, to gain an income.



Kelly says In 2008 when the housing market imploded her husband’s livelihood as a general contractor went up in flames and suddenly she and her husband in their 50’s were facing some tough decisions.  Her husband had always been involved with cattle part-time but never as a sole source of income. Faced with few options they decided to start raising cattle full-time and training horses as their main source of income. For Kelly most of her life was spent in the food business; distribution and working with restaurants and chefs now she was coming full circle as an actual producer. While this was all old hat for her husband it was a radical shift for Kelly but she was in good shape and open-minded which is what everyone in their 50’s needs to do to create a new life.  Building a barbed wire fence was tough, even the full 30 miles of it, ride working cow horses, doctoring cattle and running the business were too but her quiet desire to write a book, her memoir came to fruition - ‘The Princess Rancher’, was picked