Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

PAT PORREY – Never Give Up On Your Dreams – It’s Never Too Late To Create Something You Love & Can Make A Positive Difference In The Lives Of Others Even If It Means Jumping Into The World of Babies



Pat Porrey and her sister Pam did that and have made a huge difference in the lives of new Mums and their newborn babies coming home from hospital. On reflection it was a huge difference after spending 30 years at a great job with a major corporation, but Pat decided she needed to try something new. Despite having great job, a safe pension and a great predictable life she knew there was more to life for her but what? She was told to create multiple streams of income and was doing that, then 2008-2009 hit. Nothing prepared her for that perfect storm of the financial, real estate and business world collapsing ... her world. Many wondered what next? Some wallowed in their woes while others were proactive like Pat and her sister Pam who created a much-needed new business - Sweet Dreams Infant Care - see their .com website in the same name. Pam, an RN, saw staff reductions and shorter hospital stays causing many new moms to not get the training or assistance they needed before leaving hospital with their newborn(s