Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

LINDA CLAY Says at 60 It’s A Difficult Place To Be, Unemployed, Running Out of Savings; You Need To Take Dramatic Action, Then You Can Triumph & Even Help Others



Linda has been through several different life transitions and triumphed, which is why this podcast is full of practical tips. Losing her husband, becoming a single parent to her granddaughter, suffering depression and PTSD took several years to heal. One of the biggest challenges was realizing how little you could control in life. Through daily meditation and a routine she learned to control that overwhelmed feeling. The universe loves to send wake up calls and that message came through loud and clear - Linda realized she had no income, was about to lose her home and had her 5 year old granddaughter to raise. She ‘woke’ up, asked for help got a job, moved to a different state and started her new chapter. These types of challenges are difficult but by taking any tough situation and breaking it into manageable steps, you can find the steps to move forward. Over the next 10 years, Linda made more moves and career shifts, started a brand new career at 61 but was laid off at 63. This time she made a list of her sk