Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

JOHN FAISANDIER Talks About Managing Emotions In A Time Of Change & Suggests People Resist Being Changed, But Don’t Resist Change & Part Of That Are Four Important Words, Feeling and Revealing Leads To Healing And Releasing.



John has had a fascinating career, as a volunteer teaching in Tonga, 19 years training and working as a Catholic priest, psychodrama training and work in a drug and alcohol treatment hospital all of which lay the foundation for him to become a compassionate emotional intelligence expert once he hit 50. Getting married when nearly 40 added the icing to the cake of really learning about intimacy and relationships. Not long after his 50th birthday John decided to rebrand his training business to focus on this one topic – managing emotions. He’d been looking for a niche business idea to give him focus and one day woke up to the fact that his topic had been right in front of his nose for years. Thriving Under Fire (TUF) was launched as a face-to-face workshop; he wrote a book (2009) and developed an interactive online training version (2013). Having taught thousands of people in many parts of the world including Bangladesh, Malaysia, Tonga, Samoa and of course New Zealand he found he loved this work because it mak