Swain Sinus Show

Ep.4 - Sinus Surgery: When and Why



Download | Subscribe | Make An Appointment In this installment of the Swain Sinus Show Dr. Ron Swain, Jr. discusses sinus surgery which is the next step in sinus treatment when medical therapy fails. Stacy and Dr. Swain explain the surgery options, common techniques, and what to expect during and after operation. What you will learn: Sinus surgery is considered when medical therapy fails. The purpose of your sinus surgery to make sure that you have an orderly flow of the mucus in a proper fashion. When sinus surgery is needed it’s the first of a 10-step healing process. It's not the end; it's the end of the beginning. The sinus are very important and expensive real estate. Fortunately, at this time, we have some computer navigation systems that help us navigate through very complicated areas. Most sinus surgery is performed with an endoscope   Click for Ep.4 Show Transcription   Need an Appointment or Sinus Consultation? Call Dr. Swain’s nursing staff at 251-470-8823 or schedule and appointment at drronswa