Night-light Radio

Before Atlantis with Mark Carlotto



What if ancient sites such as Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, the Acropolis, and Temple Mount are not only thousands of years old but much older?Until recently, a lack of hard evidence has led mainstream archaeologists to dismiss theories of past civilizations as pseudoscientific attempts to resurrect ancient myths and legends. However, new archaeological discoveries continue to challenge conventional explanations.Inspired by Charles Hapgood’s hypothesis that ice ages were the result of shifts in the geographic location of Earth’s poles, independent researcher and author Mark Carlotto has discovered that certain archaeological sites throughout the world are aligned to what appear to have been four previous positions of the North Pole over the last 100,000 years. By analyzing their geometry, Dr. Carlotto argues that these sites were built tens of thousands of years ago by an unknown prehistoric civilization who aligned them relative to the position of the North Pole at the time of construction. Destroyed and rebui