Color Talk With Tom Parish

Color Calibration for all Displays in your Studio with Derek Smith, SpectraCal



The reality for the independent post-production house is we’re all Dropboxing (I guess it's a verb now) files back and forth to create or finish out a project, and the problem is that everybody's displays show slightly different colors. We’re all working on a different color interpretation of the files. Talk about confusion for the colorist who has the final task of making it all play together! Up next is a discovery of how SpectraCal is bringing order to the hodge-podge of displays which have such differences in color calibration – in our studios, in our digital creative community, and used by our clients. We need more than just a single reference monitor; we need all of our displays to be more closely aligned. Most of us don't need perfection – just assurance we're close – and if we're way out then we need a way to get those displays adjusted. The difficulty is figuring out quickly which displays need attention, and how to fix the problem so there is greater consistency or alignment of colors when working