Color Talk With Tom Parish

A Video Review and Approval System that Has my Attention - RemarkHQ



This is Tom Parish and I’m here with WayTao from RemarkHQ and we’re here to talk about a rather cool tool for media creators that allows you annotate video, review and approve video with teams and stakeholders. This product RemarkHQ,com got my attention late ly because I’ve been working in on a way to improve the approval process on ads and narrative films I’m working on with clients. There is alway a scene or clip or segment that seems require a lot of back and forth to get it right. Hurling Dropbox URL’s to large files back and forth with long emails where you manually type in the time code for each little issue is time consuming and often inaccurate. People get confused writing down time codes So the guys from RemarkHQ were in Austin and they gave me a call about doing a podcast. I’m looking forward to using this with my clients. There is an iPad version also so you’ll want to be sure you try that out along with their free trial. The price model they are using seems very reasonable to me so this cou