Color Talk With Tom Parish

What can a Colorist Learn from a Director of Photography? Interview with Ellie Anne Fenton



In the next conversation of this mini-series on "What Can a Colorist Learn from a ...?" I speak with Ellie Ann Fenton, a Director of Photography in Los Angeles. Lucky for me she was in Austin working on a film. She called asking if she could bring the scriptwriter, the editor, and others on the team over to the studio to see some test clips on the large screen. Needless to say, I was delighted. We all met and talked about the feeling of the movie and how light and color will be used. This led to a technical conversation over what color space to shoot in with the Sony F55 and what LUTs to use. Then we did some testing with DaVinci Resolve. As the colorist for the project, I was thankful to have an opportunity to contribute early in the process as this will lead, I believe, to a more creative look because there will be fewer color correction issues. During this interview Ellie and I discuss how the cost of digital filmmaking has dropped dramatically (even 4k productions are doable), so what is the secret to