Just A Phase Podcast

Ep 28: Gotta Have Faith (or Not)



Regular listeners know that one of us is a pastor and the other is not religious. Like, not at all. Today we talk more explicitly about the ways organized religion and faith shaped our childhoods and how we’re grappling with the big questions as parents. Plus, some scheduling announcements and a homework strike. Resources & Links: -- Sunday Assembly: https://www.sundayassembly.com/ -- Bart Campolo: http://bartcampolo.org/ -- Whitney’s thing: “There’s more than one way to do something well.” And this interview on the Craft-ISH podcast http://vickiehowell.com/podcast/episode-29-abby-glassenberg/ -- Drew’s thing: the board game Dixit https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/39856/dixit Just a Phase is produced by Whitney Crispell. Theme music is “Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)” by spinningmerkaba, and used under a Creative Commons license. Find us online at http://justaphasepodcast.tumblr.com or @justaphasepodcast