Raven On Podcast

Who's Raven On | The Flux Ep1



Weeping Angels! Sontarans! Dog creatures! Some weird creepy possibly incesty disco makeup twins! The Flux! It's all happening in the first episode of The Flux, Jodie Whittaker's last full season of Doctor Who. The Doctor and Yaz save a new likely companion in the shape of Liverpuddlian Dan, who turns out is VERY important to one special pooch. The Flux seems to be a ravenous planet-eating cloud machine heading towards Earth, while some ancient enemy of the Doctor's called "The Swarm" has freed himself from prison and rescued his very blue sister for some possible incest? So much to digest, and Nat and Stu are keen to get cracking! Also there's a Sontaran Tongue Thing, so enjoy that. Thanks for listening!