Neosa Podcast

NEOSA Sales & Marketing SIG: How to Increase Leads and Sales through a Rich Internet Experience, February 14, 2008



When a visitor comes to your website they have a specific objective. How good is your website at helping them to meet their objective? Did it answer their question? Did they get to the information that they were looking for? Did they find a solution that will help solve a problem that they have? Did they have a good experience and will they want to come back the next time that they need something? Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) could be a key differentiator for you when you can give visitors what they are looking for and give them a good experience while doing so. RIA’s are really starting to change the nature of website design and web presence. Over the last several years, both Microsoft and Adobe have committed vast resources to this coming generation of applications. They began turning their attention to RIA technologies as they recognized the paradigm shift that was already underway. Now, RIA’s sit atop the list of innovative and disruptive web technologies that are creating opportunities for compani