Alternative Health Tools Podcast

008 Aimee Zakrewski Clark: Healer Heal Thyself


Synopsis Topics covered in this show Studied at the Body-Mind college. Aimee’s teacher was Dr. Barry Green: Healer heal thyself. 5 stages of healing using talk therapy and the problem of getting stuck in awareness: Stuck in awareness, acceptance and commitment of what’s happening, releasing and replacing. integration. Aimee’s blog on the Huffington Post: The Healing Vigilante. Accountability. The lead therapist at the women in prison program - grief and loss. Unhealthy learning - weeds. Identify your top 10 weeds. Identify your top 5 worst learnings. Pull the weed. Plant the flower. The “No Stress Foundation.” Stress is not normal. It’s accepted. The tools taught by Kat and Barry Green: Stress Relief Breathe, Chair Yoga Sequence, Reality Awareness. Ganjaji. You’re no longer in “reality” if you’re in the “CAJE” - Criticism, Assumption, Judgement, Evaluation. Client example: anxiety. A defining moment. Nothing is harder than being a mom. Children are the best teachers I’ve had. If the worl