Alternative Health Tools Podcast

012 Dr. Dennis Maness: Reset And Manage Your Brain - BrainTek Institute


Synopsis Dr. Dennis Maness holds PhDs in Education and Psychology. He is the developer of BrainTek's Behavioral Relationship Entrainment (BRE) Program. This technology improves and repairs intellectual and cognitive brain function. Topics covered in this show It all started with my stroke in 1992. I heard a song on the radio which started to bring me back. My research took me to discover 150 brain markers and that every part of your brain has a job description. My work at Job Corp helping children with learning disabilities. Teaching children how to think, feel and use their brains. How the sound is embedded in (BRE) Behavioral Relationship Entrainment Program. Case studies on BrainTek TV Adult ADHD. Managing your brain. The Amygdala Hijack. How to put your brain in “neutral” and change the dominance factor. Mental distractions impede performance and the ability to be present to be the best you can be. Wellness Tip Change your outlook. Keep looking up. Walk away from downer people. I’m