Alternative Health Tools Podcast

141 Taking a Short Break



Welcome to the Alternative Health Tools podcast. This is John Biethan, Producer and Co-host. Briefly, we wanted to let you know we’re on a one-week break. Some of our team are out enjoying the summer before it goes away, and I respect that. Meanwhile, consider coming by and leave us an audio message with a question or feedback. If you do, we’ll bring it to the show. If you have a health-related question, we’ll have one of our Practitioners answer it on the show. To do any of that, there’s a little blue button on the bottom right corner on every page of the website at Until next time, enjoy your summer. Contact Us Website:  You can find us anywhere you get your audio. Contact co-hosts Lisa Victoria, John Biethan, and Kim Shea Leave us a message on our Contact Page. Produced by Imagine Podcasting dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc.