Michael Donovan's Walking Home

#19 Jessica Skiles



(Retoucher, Musician) Master retoucher and musician, Jessica Skiles swings by the East Village to chat up. I tried to pin her down on discussions about media and retouching but she wasn't feeling it... so we ended up drinking a bottle of wine and talking about everything else happening in the world right now.. her music projects in USA and Japan, death, terrorism, serial killers, mental health, atheism, synesthesia, body image and much, much, much more! Jessica's instagram StudioDonovan.com ......................................................................... GET MORE INVOLVED! Visit my site for my photography, videos, more podcasts, and to join the discussion! StudioDonovan.com   FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA:Instagram   |  Tumblr  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Vimeo     SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW:iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  RSS Feed  Please remember to rate and review so others can find the podcast as well!   SPONSORS• AMAZON: Remember to bookmark the page! Amazon will donate a portion of the profits to the sho