Michael Donovan's Walking Home

#25 Sharon Salzberg



(Buddhist and meditation teacher) Sharon Salzberg takes time out of her busy schedule to come on the show and talk about life, meditation, dealing with difficult jobs, forgiveness, community, letting go, and beginning again. She also provides some tools on how to get through the daily grind. SharonSalzberg.com ......................................................................... GET MORE INVOLVED! Visit my site for my photography, videos, more podcasts, and to join the discussion! StudioDonovan.com   FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA:Instagram   |  Tumblr  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Vimeo     SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW:iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  RSS Feed  Please remember to rate and review so others can find the podcast as well!   SPONSORS• AMAZON: Remember to bookmark the page! Amazon will donate a portion of the profits to the show whenever you use this link or the bookmark!  • ZIPCAR: Vroom Vroom!!! Get $25 of free driving from ZipCar! Join today!  • PATREON: Donate to the show monthly!  • DONATE DIRECTLY: Wan