Shoot The Dvd Player - Sterne

Shoot the DVD Player #17: Obvious Child / Prince Avalanche / Point Break



This week: [Obvious Child, 2014, Gillian Robespierre] A romantic comedy about abortion?! Those godless New York liberals have done it again. This, friends, is what feminism hath wrought. [Prince Avalanche, 2013, David Gordon Green] Drinking, swearing, casual sex. Is nothing sacred? Certainly not in this outrageous piece of left-wing propaganda starring that serial underminer of American values, Paul Rudd. [Point Break, 1991, Kathryn Bigelow] Bank robbers? Surfers? People named "Keanu"? Lock them up, I say, and throw away the key! But of course the liberal elites behind this vile "entertainment" are too in thrall to Mammon to contemplate ideals of righteous justice.