Mcfarland United Church Of Christ Sermons

MUCC Sermon Oct 30th, 2011



“Shake it up”Rev. Kerri Parker, McFarland UCC______Reformation Sunday (October 30, 2011)Matthew 23:1-13I did a Google search on hypocrisy. Some truly ugly images came up, a decent number aboutpoliticians, but a lot of them about Christians.And Jesus said, “therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do,for they do not practice what they teach.”Ouch.With images like that, is it any wonder that only 17% of people in the U.S. attend church?Really. Seventeen percent. While we’re here in worship, and our friends over at theLutheran church, and Christ the King parish, and the folks up the road at Crossroads Church areworshiping, 83% of the population is doing something else. Away at the cabin, attending roadgames for their kids’ sports, sleeping in, watching a movie on Netflix, having brunch with thefamily, working,…the list of opportunities for your Sunday morning are endless. Even amongour own faith community, our Sunday morning attendance is about half of our membership.We’d like t