Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 3 - 29/09/18



This hour, Whos the gloomiest? Ipsos' Jonathan Dodd joins RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to take a look at global optimism and pessimism.Then Break Glass-Pull Switch! One of the last areas in NZ to be infected with possums is now in big trouble. Forest & Birds Northland person Dean Baigent-Mercer joins Graeme to take a look at the state fo Northland's Russel Forest. Dean has a plea for action and a few things to say about 1080 and environmental sabotage. And, the annual Bird of the Year competition is set to get underway Monday October 1. We review past winners, Russians meddling, Fake Bird News and vote rigging. Weekend Variety Wireless with Graeme Hill, 8pm - midnight Saturdays and Sundays, on RadioLIVE and streaming live to the Rova app on Android and iPhone.