Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 29/09/18



This hour, John McCrystal, marine historian, archaeologist and host of the amazing series Shipwreck Tales joins RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to take a look at Captain Cook's ship. John explains what exactly happened to this tiny but remarkable vessel after its astounding voyage around the world - which founded European contact with New Zealand. Then Max Cryer joins Graeme Hill to banter over words, their origin and their meaning. Why is our tenth month October? Max also explores Hoi Polloi, cats and their proverbial nine lives and just who is Joe Bloggs? Weekend Variety Wireless with Graeme Hill, 8pm - midnight Saturdays and Sundays, on RadioLIVE and streaming live to the Rova app on Android and iPhone.