Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 3 - 23/09/18



This hour, Warning: John Dybvig does try to contain himself, but there are a few swear-words used in his piece, so listen to this week's Letter from America at your own risk. John Dybvig joins Ryan Bradley to take a look at the latest news from America. First up they take a look at Judge Brett Kavanaugh , and the allegations of sexual assault that have come to light prior to his Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing. Dybvig reckons that “you know its bullshit folks, it’s a bullshit hearing” There will be no witnesses and simply the woman, making claims and the judge. This mean’s it’ll come down to “he said , she said” The women making claims wants an FBI investigation, whereas Judge Kavanaugh has not called for one. Then they take a look at Rod Rosenstein- who had a meeting in May of 2017 in which he said maybe he should wear a wire when he speaks with Trump, in order to invoke the 25th amendment. The memorandum stating Rosenstein’s allegations was leaked this week. “We’re firing people like it’s the apprentice