Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 1 - 23/09/18



This hour, Tamar Munch and Ryan Bradley in for RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill trawl through the weeks weirder media stories and events. First up Tamar and Ryan take a look at the latest from the developing Strawberry needle story. Then the pair explores Kim Hill, who had some fun with Ron Mark on RNZs Morning Report on Tuesday. Then they take a look at this year Emmys which featured an on-stage proposal. Interestingly the proposal was very calculated and some people are calling Oscars director Glen Weiss out for hypocrisy. This week, ZBs Leighton Smith came out with some preposterous ideals in light of the New Zealand Suffrage anniversary. First of Mr Smith posed the question when did Men get the vote, completely taking away the focus of the anniversary.He went on to say I Love being around women and I dont like Bitches and bastards which can be perceived as ridiculous in light of the day he was stating it. Tamar reckons what he was saying was bloody nonsense.This is shock-jock stuff The spinoffs Hayden Donnell has