Róisín Meets...

Young Blood: Natalya O'Flaherty & Katie Laffan



There's spoken word and new music in the latest episode of Róisín Meets, with young artists Natalya O'Flaherty and Katie Laffan. Both are taking part in the St Patrick's Festival's Young Blood: The Beats and Voices of Our Generation concert at the National Concert Hall in Dublin next Saturday 18th March and the talented Dubliners popped in to see Róisín ahead of that show, along with organiser Aoife Woodlock of Other Voices fame. 16-year-old Natalya impressed with the keen observations on modern life in her piece, The Irony of Entitlement, which she performed in studio, while Katie picked up her guitar and gave a rousing rendition of her song Tastemaker. You can find more information on the St Patrick's Festival here: http://www.stpatricksfestival.ie/