Róisín Meets...

Mark Earley: ‘I hoped to become a dad this year, not a widower’



On Thursday April 20th 2017, Mark Earley’s life changed completely. His wife, Liane Deasy, died suddenly in her sleep at their home in Glasthule Co. Dublin, from nocturnal epilepsy. He was away in Australia at the time. Soon after Liane’s death, Mark began a blog called There Are Words, which he says is an attempt for him to understand her passing, to share his grieving process and to find something in such a tragedy. Liane loved sea swimming and Mark has found solace in it since her death. He speaks to Róisín Ingle about that in this podcast. He also talks about Liane and the kind of person she was, how the loss of her is still so raw for him and what he does to try and get through it. https://therearewords.com/