Róisín Meets...

Charlie Landsborough



After his mother died when he was 12, Charlie Landsborough went off the rails and embraced a life of petty crime, spending two months behind bars when he was 18. He learned his lesson and turned his life around, embracing music, though he didn't find fame until much later. An appearance on RTÉ's Kenny Live in 1995 launched his career in Ireland and hi song What Colour is the Wind became a hit here. In this podcast, Landsborough speaks to Róisín Ingle about his almost famous moments with The Beatles and Roy Orbison. He also talks about spirituality, booze and why he is glad he didn't find fame until his 50s. Landsborough tours Ireland every year and is hitting the road here again next week, beginning in Derry on January 15 and ending in Drogheda on the 28th.